- Monday, November 3, 2014

10 Ways to Relax During the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching. It is a fun and exciting time of year, but it can also be a very stressful time. With all the added stresses that come up during the holidays it is important to find time for yourself.  Here is a list of some ways to relieve stress and allow yourself to relax.

  1. Exercise - Is a great way to relieve stress and release those feel good endorphins. 
  2. Go for a walk - Get out and enjoy the fresh air. Rain or shine, a walk is always good for the soul. 
  3. Sit in nature - Find a nice spot to sit outside. If it's a sunny day then soaking up a little vitamin D is really good for you. 
  4. Read a book - There is something very relaxing and calming about sitting down with a good book.
  5. Listen to music - Whether it is with headphones or speakers, music can take you away from your worries. 
  6. Write a letter/journal - We rarely pick up a pen and paper these days, but putting your words down on paper can be very therapeutic. 
  7. Take a nap - Give yourself a break and enjoy a nice nap. 
  8. Write a blog - Write a blog about something that makes you happy or that you find interesting and want to share with others. 
  9. Take a bath -  A bath is always relaxing, so take some time to soak. 
  10. Gardening - If the weather allows for it, gardening is a great way to get outside. Your plants will be happy you took the time to care for them. 

-Gilly Hegenbart

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